Soul Journals

What is a Soul Journal? It is allowing yourself to be guided by your inner being and create a book that expresses through colour, shape, pattern and form aspects of your life journey that is important at this time. It is personal, unique, and uses a variety of art techniques to connect and communicate with deeper parts of 'you'. 

Creating a Soul Journal is special because it is a work of art and a work of the heart. It is a record of your thoughts, reflections, experiences and feelings to keep; to share; to enjoy; to explore. 

The creative process is enriched with meaning, personal meaning, which begins with the cover. Think about what ‘covers you’. Is it how you look; how you present to the outside world; how you see yourself or how you perceive that others see you. Is it what you clothe yourself in as an identity or something like a vehicle that you travel through your life in. What colours, textures and shapes do you relate to this. As the cover is how contents of the book are accessed how do you do that? Left to Right? Top to bottom? Is it like a wallet? Is it clasped shut? Do you need a key? Is it split down the centre? and so on….and then comes the back of the book. Working intuitively and letting your imagination lead you through, connect with what grounds you; what is your backstop; what gives you some closure.

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