‘Real development is not leaving things behind, as on a road, but drawing life from them as on a root.’  G. K. Chesterton. Writer


Elephants are social creatures that work together as a large family. Not only are they loyal but they have long lives and long memories. As a universal symbol the elephant brings good fortune and abundance.  They represent greatness and the ability to overcome life’s obstacles by moving through challenges that block our path. Elephants just keep moving , slowly and steadily forward.

This mandala reminds us that there are many benefits of being in a family, group or part of a society. Groups provide learning opportunities, support and strength. Groups share knowledge and combine forces to make progress. They are powerful motivators and can achieve great things.

Draw from your family or group experiences, feeling inspired, supported and empowered. Remember that you have their backing and that although your project is moving along slowly there is progress.  Stay motivated and strong. The outcome is great success.

AFFIRMATION: I have the support I need to be strong and powerful, easily and effortlessly making progress towards my goals.

Karen Scott1 Comment