Walking through takes courage

It takes courage to walk through to another way of being; changing your thinking and redirecting your life to where you want to go.

Constantly looking outside yourself for happiness, fulfillment and love is exhausting and generally a short term fix. We expect answers and solutions about our identity, about love and the sense of living a meaningful life. We want answers that will ‘fill the gap’ and ‘fix the problem’. We want to be shown or told just what to do. But, maybe, just maybe, we have to find this ourselves.

Perhaps we need to look within.

By being still and patient we can begin looking inwards and changing our thinking we might find that the answers are within us and always have been. Maybe giving ourselves the time and space to learn more about ourselves; caring for ourselves and being there for ourselves, we can discover what it is that we are searching for and how to go about connecting with it.

It is simple and yet takes great courage to remind ourselves that we have the skills and the self love to make choices. We need to remind ourselves that we have a choice and we can chose love over pain, joy over sorrow, and a new start after an ending.

Bali is a perfect place to take those steps. Our creative retreat is much more than just making a mandala. It is more than meditating, more than eating great food, more than healing, more than stretching your body and Soul with Yoga, more than journalling and more than you can imagine.

Karen Scott2 Comments